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MTR Life Skills Training Workshops - Time Management and Presentation Skills
Event | 2013-10-11

The “Managing Self, Managing Tasks, Managing Others” life skills training workshops, jointly presented by HKACEP and MTR Corporation (“MTR”), has been receiving overwhelming results.  This tailor-made series includes 5 units:

1)     Creative Problem Solving
2)     Decision Making
3)     Effective Communication
4)     Time Management
5)     Presentation Skills – Verbal & Written

The first 3 units has been well-received by athletes and the other two units will be organized as followings:

Unit Date Time Venue
Time Management 09/11/2013 (Sat) 0930 -1200 MTRHeadquarters
Kowloon Bay

Presentation Skills:

(i) Verbal
(ii) Written

*Taught by Expert Instructors invited byMTR

14/12/2013 (Sat) 0930 -1700 Olympic House
Causeway Bay

Update events will also be found on the Fan Page of HKACEP Facebook - Fan Page

Please email or fax us back if you are interested to join the course for seat reservation.