Application Form
Personal Particulars:
Please upload one recent passport photo (File size: 5MB or below)
Please Upload
Please "✓" the appropriate box. *
From (MM/YY)
From (MM/YY)
Reason for retiring
From (MM/YY)
Reason for retirement
Sport *
Years in Full-time training *
Years in Part-time training *
Full Name in English *
Name in Chinese *
Date of Birth *
HKID Card No *
Sex *
Marital Status
Email Address *
Residential Address *
Residential Phone No.
Mobile No. *
Other Phone No.
Education (highest qualification)
Result 1
Result 2
Result 3
Employment Record (start with the most recent)
Career Status *
Work Experience
Result 1
Result 2
Result 3
Please state the best competition achievements of the applicant.
Result 1
Date of event *
code *^
Name of event *
Event Category *
Result (Ranking) *
No. of participants *
No. of countries / teams *
Result 2
Date of event
code ^
Name of event
Event Category
Result (Ranking)
No. of participants
No. of countries / teams
Result 3
Date of event
code ^
Name of event
Event Category
Result (Ranking)
No. of participants
No. of countries / teams
^Competition Code Index:
WL: Olympic Games, World Championship or other competitions (with World rankings)
AL: Asian Games, Asian Championship or other competitions (with Asian rankings)
NG: National Games
UG: World University Games
EAG: East Asian Games
OT: Other Best Results
Training Hours
Result 1
From *
To *
Average Weekly Training Volume *
Coach-in-charge *
Result 2
Average Weekly Training Volume
Result 3
Average Weekly Training Volume
HKACED Athlete Survey:
HKACED would like to evaluate the needs of athletes upon athletic retirement, in order to facilitate HKACED's future planning and development.
1. Education Scholarships (including: Vocational training,Post-Secondary Education,Language Enrichment Courses、Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Master Course, etc.)
Not useful at all
Extremely useful
2. Integrated General English Course
Not useful at all
Extremely useful
3. Job Referral
Not useful at all
Extremely useful
4. Career Training (eg. Internships, interview training)
Not useful at all
Extremely useful
5. “Stars to Shine” Mentorship Programme (providing newly retired HK athletes (mentees) with an additional avenue of learning through experience sharing and interaction with seasoned retired famous HK athletes who have successfully developed their second career and gained a wealth of working experience (mentors).)
Not useful at all
Extremely useful
6. Life Skills Training Programme
7. Consultation Services
Not useful at all
Extremely useful
Date *
Applicants under 18 years must be endorsed by a Guardian, if applicable
Guardian's Name
Guardian's Email Address
Guardian's Phone No.
(If applicable)
(Applicants under 18 years old must be endorsed by a Guardian.)
The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Sports Federation & Olympics Committee of Hong Kong, China only.
Subject to exemptions under under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right of access and correction with respect to your personal data.
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